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Product Registration

Completing registration on line

Product registration is very important as it allows us to find your details quickly should you have a need to call us, but it also makes it easy for us to contact you in the case of a product update or recall.

Registering your new BWT product is quick and easy and can be completed on our dedicated website myproduct.bwt.com. using the 8 digit code supplied with your product. You can also use the product registration form on this page by clicking here or scrolling down the page. Finally for those customers who feel happier talking to a real person, we are here to help, simply call our customer service team on 01494 838 100 (option 2)  during normal office hours and one of our dedicated team will happily take your details. To ensure we can offer you our best attention at all times and to activate your warranty, please register you purchase today.

If you have a 8 digit code and would like to register on our deicatd product registration website, please follow the instructions below:

Step 1. Click Here to go to myproduct.bwt.com
Step 2. scroll down the page and enter your 8 digit code and press enter
Step 3. Log in and press next or press create new account
step 4. If you already have an account, go to step 7 or follow the instructions on screen to
create one .Then press next
Step 5. Complete your details, subscribe to the newsletter and press create account.
Step 6. Review details and press create account again
Step 7. Review final details, press register product and all done!

Product Registration

"*" indicates required fields


BWT UK Limited will use your personal details to manage your appliance registration, and to contact you with any important safety information (such as product recalls) or service updates relating to your purchase. We will only use these details as described in our Data Privacy.

If you would like to receive other information occasionally from us related to the products you own, like special offers, then let us know by ticking one or more of the boxes below.

Contact Preferences

Product Details